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Resume Writing

Resume Savvy, Resume Sins

By Ronald L. Krannich Ph.D.
Courtesy of Impact Publications

5 Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Resumes

Resumes are more important than ever to getting job interviews and offers. Expertly crafted resumes grab the attention of employers who invite candidates to job interviews. However, few people really know how to effectively communicate their qualifications to employers via a high impact resume. Many people confess their weaknesses, include extraneous information, and fail to clearly showcase what it is they have done, can do, and will do for the employer. In short, they commit several resume sins of commission and omission. This should not happen to you!

Resume Savvy—Do’s

  1. DO state an employer-centered "Objective" and/or "Summary of Qualifications"
  2. DO relate all elements in your resume to your objective and summary
  3. DO show a continuous pattern of accomplishments related to the employer's needs
  4. DO make your resume look inviting and interesting to the reader—it must pass the "30-Second Review Test"
  5. DO be sure your resume is error-free—no misspellings, grammatical errors, or wrong information

Resume Sins—Dont’s

  1. DON’T include extraneous information, such as age, height, photo, or hobbies, or inappropriate information, such as salary requirements, references, or any negative information
  2. DON’T forget to include critical information categories such as “Education” and “Professional Experience”
  3. DON’T let your resume run more than two pages
  4. DON’T emphasize duties, responsibilities, and dates when discussing your "Experience"
  5. DON’T lie about your background or stretch the truth

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